Friday, 7 December 2012

The weekly freebie is no longer a thing!

Sorry, but I have to give up on this whole one free game per week thing, but let me explain why.  A long time ago I mentioned I have a huge, undying backlog of games that I'm slowly trying to chip away at, and due to being so busy playing those games, I end up not making any time to play anything free, so I think I'm going to have to stop this weekly feature thing.  It's OK, it had a crap name anyway.

That said, I will still feature free games that I do wind up playing when I actually play them and I'm not going to leave everyone empty handed, I'm going to spend some time talking about where one can acquire free stuff.

Steam is a good place to start, with a number of online titles that one can download and enjoy for free, but most of these games come with micro transactions so they are not 100% free, but free enough.  Good Old Games is another good place to go since they provide a number of titles for absolutely nothing and you can get some good mileage out of what they are just giving away.

If flash games are your thing then Newgrounds is probably your best bet.  I've not played flash games properly since high school so I'm not 100% sure it's the best place, but they have a lot.

Finally, I know 4chan gets a bad rep but the people over at the /v/ board (the video game one) put together a wiki of Recommended games for pretty much every system ever.  It's well organised and a good place to go if your struggling to find something to play and they have a pretty impressive freeware section, so it's worth checking out.

So yeah, a weekly free game feature is no longer a thing on this blog, but I have given you some good starting points so get digging round those sites and maybe you'll discover the next big thing.

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