Tuesday 8 January 2013

My Inspiration

This is going to be quite a short post since I've already missed enough of this event, but today I'll be telling you a little bit about my initial inspiration for this blog.

Basically, Awesome Games Done Quick is an event done by a bunch of Speed Runners.  For those that may not know, "Speed Running" is the art of beating a game in the shortest possible time, and while I've never done a speed run myself, watching them is actually rather fun.

These guys raised so much money last year for the Prevent Cancer Foundation, that in inspired me to start this blog, and try and focus my hobby into something that could benefit someone, so check out the stream and maybe donate something to them since they only do it once a year.

It's a fun event, there are incentives to donate, and you will see some truly impressive shit go down over the next few days.


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