Monday 16 June 2014

CGI Trailers Are Bullshit

With E3 just behind us the one thing that people are talking about are the new games and the trailers that came with them.  This is all well and good because some of the trailers featured at E3 2014 were actually pretty rad, but today I want to share one pet peeve of mine and that’s the CGI only trailer.

A great example of this is the upcoming game from From Software called Bloodborne.  Now from what I’ve heard, Bloodborne is gearing up to be pretty good as it sounds just like a souls game but with a slightly different setting.  However even though I’m looking forward to this title, the trailer that I saw during the Sony E3 press conference pissed me off to no end.  Check it out

I mean it’s not a bad trailer, it’s really well done at atmospheric and stuff like that but the reason why this and all other CGI trailers piss me off to no end is because there is no fucking gameplay.  When I buy a game it’s so that I can take it home and PLAY it and when I watch a trailer I want to get an idea of what the game PLAYS like.  You know what CGI trailers don’t show you? FUCKING GAMEPLAY.
As much as the video game industry seems to be in denial about it nowadays, video games are NOT movies.  I’m not going to buy or get hyped for a game based on how pretty you make its cutscenes.  What you are doing when you make a CGI only trailer is just wasting everyone’s time and hoping that you can generate hype or sales based on pretty pictures and flashing lights.

As much as the video game industry seems to be in denial about it nowadays, video games are NOT movies.  I’m not going to buy or get hyped for a game based on how pretty you make its cutscenes.  What you are doing when you make a CGI only trailer is just wasting everyone’s time and hoping that you can generate hype or sales based on pretty pictures and flashing lights.
Remember, the most important aspect of a video GAME is its GAMEPLAY.  Keep that in mind when building your trailers and stop wasting people’s time with this crap.

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