Sunday 23 December 2018


I have no idea why I'm so disappointed with this game but after seeing it back in 2008, thinking it was a cool idea and then finally playing it 10 years later I just can't help but feel somewhat let down.

The game is about a guy called Deckard who gets hired to go and steal Pandoras Box.  As he tries to grab it the box brands him, he gets double crossed by his employer and he unleashes all manner of mythical beasts on the world.  You then have to team up with some British woman and a bunch of army type people to stop the big bad and put all the beasts back in the box.

This game came out at a time when shooters were dime a dozen and there was plenty of sort of, not really bad, but dull, bland shooters on the market.  Basically if you owned an Xbox 360 at any point you've probably played a game that's sort of similar in quality to Legendary.  Legendary though on paper seems like a really good idea because it was a modern shooter but the enemies weren't just dudes but mythical beasts.

When you actually play the game though it does have a decent number of mythical beasts to shoot in the face but there is also an abundance of dudes with guns.  That's only the start of the games problems though.  The controls for moving and shooting are fine but if you ever have to jump its the absolute worst thing I've ever seen.  Deckard for some reason can only jump about half a millimeter off the ground and while places where you actually HAVE to jump are few, when it does come up it's akin to trying to pull your own teeth out with your bare hands.  The absolute worst thing of all, especially for a game in this genre, is that the guns feel weak.  There's one part, for example, where you have to fight a Griffon and it's hard to tell if you're doing any damage because everything feels like a water pistol and the enemy doesn't give any indication that it's taking damage.  Even if your shooter is a bland, boring, by the books piece of shit it can be saved at least somewhat if it FEELS good to play.  F.E.A.R is a great example of a game that is quite shit but I still like playing it because mowing down guys in bullet time with that nail gun thing feels awesome.

It would be unfair to call Legendary a shit game, but it's definitely a forgettable one.  The kind of game that's only worth playing if you're absolutely MAD into FPS games and you've played literally EVERYTHING else.

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