Saturday 22 June 2019

Megaman Mega Marathon

Announcement time!

Because of the charity donation incentive reaching its goal, on the 29th of June there will be a 24 hour marathon of Megaman games!

The marathon will start at 7am Japan time and will end at 7am the following day.  There will be a 30 minute break for me to not die every 6 hours and at around the half way point I'll be using one of those breaks to move all my kit to Critical Hit video game bar and perform the last half of the marathon at that location rather than my house.

I'll be starting with Megaman classic and hopefully within 24 hours we can make our way into the X series and hopefully even Zero and maybe near the end, when my fatigue is high and my concentration dwindles, we can end with Megaman X Command Mission.  The games that I'll play aren't set in stone.

I'm also planning to do some prize giveaways for anyone who donates to the Alzheimer's Charity during the marathon, so tune in at on the 29th for a chance to see some great games and win some cool swag.

Monday 17 June 2019

I made a game!

About 6 months ago I changed my job.  I moved from teaching English into the field of engineering.  Now I don't actually know diddly jack shit about being an engineer or anything related to that field but I was lucky enough to get in based almost purely on the fact that I speak English and Japanese.

During my time at this company so far I've been learning a whole bunch of different things related to the type of engineering I'm in but there was one slow day where one of my coworkers approached me and reccomended that I try to teach myself a bit of Python.

Now I didn't know the first thing about coding (and I still kinda don't) but I got to work on teaching myself the basics of  Python 3.  After watching a bunch of tutorials on YouTube and following some guides online I got to doing the one thing I always wanted to do, which was making a game.  Of course, I'm trying to throw together a little project with barely any experience and in my work office so the only idea I could really muster for an environment like that was a silly text adventure.

So here I present to you, "Escape from Mr Stabby's Mansion", a silly game full of cheap deaths and badly written gore.  Please give it a download and maybe give me some feeback!  I'm going to carry on my adventure into programming and maybe try and produce something that's more than just text in a command prompt.  

It's a fun hobby and if you were thinking about getting into it I'd recommend just throwing yourself at it full force.  It's daunting and there's A LOT to learn but even something stupid and simple like this is a lot of fun to throw together!

I will make a separate page for "Things wot I made" soon so this link doesn't get buried but for now feel free to download it off this page!

Sunday 9 June 2019

Missing E3 Hype

E3, the biggest gaming event of the year basically, is around the corner and unfortunately I don't give a flying fuck about it, at all.  I'm not making this post to be all controversial and hate on the show but I'm here to lament how what once was a truly exciting time for me has been reduced to nothing more than a slight blip on my radar.

I remember back in high school I had a group of friends that I'd play games like Counterstrike with.  When E3 rolled around we'd all jump on a Ventrilo server and watch the live coverage and discuss the games that were announced.   I also remember in my second year of university, a friend coming down to my apartment and we stocked up on large amounts of pizza and soda and then watched the event while we played other games, tons of fun.  Even a few years ago, when I had a short stint of living in Sweden, I stayed up until the wee hours of the morning to watch the conferences live and then spending the best part of the next day talking about the event with friends.  

Even before all this live streaming stuff was popular, back when I was just a wee child, I remember seeing footage on TV from E3 and getting incredibly exciting about the idea of something like that even existing.  I'm sure I gave my parents an earful about how badly I wanted to go to LA to see the show for myself but unfortunately it never came to pass.  

E3 now however is a sad shell of what it once was.  Nintendo have pulled out of the show and this year Sony did the same.  That alone is enough for me to stop caring because I live in Japan and no one gives a fuck about Xbox over here so I have no interest on need to watch a conference from Microsoft.  Sony and Nintendo are doing their own thing at the same time as the show.  I'll just go and watch their shit directly rather than waking up early to catch some bullshit talk from EA or Bethesda.  The last few years have also seen the event marred by various controversy over things like gender, race or identity politics.  I'm trying DESPERATELY hard to avoid any of that bullshit but if the last few years are anything to go by, it means that following the news closely will guarantee that I walk face first into a wall of clickbait bullshit.  If we get through the entire event and there isn't some claim that "X game is racist" or "Y company is sexist" or something like that, I'll eat a shoe

That's not to say I'll be ignoring it completely, once the show is over, the Nintendo Direct done and the Sony thing aired, I'll be sure to at the very least look at a list of games and follow up on things that interest me.  Personally I'm hoping to see some Shin Megami Tensei 5 news during this whole period but to be brutally honest I probably have a better chance of finding a chicken that lays golden eggs.

Monday 3 June 2019

Megman Mega-Marathon Incoming

This will be a short announcement post just to let you guys know about another donation incentive that got met!

The Megaman marathon was finally met last Friday and I know I'm a little late to update it but I'm still working out possible dates to have the marathon on.  Basically I'm going to play through as many Megaman games as I can for 24 hours.  I imagine I'd start with MM Classic and then move into the X Games and probably end with something like Command Mission as I start to get sleepy near the end but we'll see how it goes.  

Watch this space for dates and further information!