Saturday 22 June 2019

Megaman Mega Marathon

Announcement time!

Because of the charity donation incentive reaching its goal, on the 29th of June there will be a 24 hour marathon of Megaman games!

The marathon will start at 7am Japan time and will end at 7am the following day.  There will be a 30 minute break for me to not die every 6 hours and at around the half way point I'll be using one of those breaks to move all my kit to Critical Hit video game bar and perform the last half of the marathon at that location rather than my house.

I'll be starting with Megaman classic and hopefully within 24 hours we can make our way into the X series and hopefully even Zero and maybe near the end, when my fatigue is high and my concentration dwindles, we can end with Megaman X Command Mission.  The games that I'll play aren't set in stone.

I'm also planning to do some prize giveaways for anyone who donates to the Alzheimer's Charity during the marathon, so tune in at on the 29th for a chance to see some great games and win some cool swag.

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