Friday 22 March 2019

Closing Down The Facebook Page

Sometimes you can have too much of a good thing.

Right now Identity Gaming has a number of social media accounts tied to it.  Facebook, Twitter, Twitch, YouTube, and as one guy doing this by myself that's a lot to manage.  So, I've made the decision to close down the Identity Gaming Facebook page.

There are two reasons for this decision

1) The quality of the page itself is garbage.  I've put basically no effort into the Facebook side of this website, I just sort of opened it at the start because I felt that I had to for some reason.  So if I'm not using it, there isn't really any point of it existing.

2) Facebook is cancer.  I follow a number of gaming groups on Facebook to browse through while I'm bored in the bathroom or on a train but almost every single Facebook gaming group is an absolute shit show filled with the absolute worst people.  Have you ever seen someone post a speedrun on a Facebook and then looked at the comments section?  The absolute biggest sacks of shit seem to frequent these pages and on the off chance that IG does grow bigger and get a bigger following, I do not want your average Facebook ruining my day.

For friends of mine who may be reading this, this does not mean I'm closing my personal account, I'm still going to pester you all with my links whenever I put out something new.  It also doesn't mean that Identity Gaming is in any danger of closing down either.  I'm just chopping off the worst part of it

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