Wednesday 17 April 2019

New Stream Schedule

Right, bit of a short post this time round but I'm changing up my stream schedule a little bit.

As of today, the only days for a guaranteed stream will be Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.  There MIGHT be streams on the other days of the week but don't expect them to happen too often.

There's a number of reasons for this.  First and most importantly when it comes to the site is that I feel like the blog and the YouTube channel have kind of been sidelined in favor of me streaming almost every day.  It would be nice to take some pressure off myself (purely self inflicted pressure) and have time to write more posts here or actually create some content for the YouTube channel that aren't just off the cuff game play commentaries.

The other reasons are more personal but include stuff like wanting to work on other personal projects, spending time with my family and trying to make a schedule in such a way that accounts for doing bullshit overtime at work.

The rotation of whatever day, NES Wheel, donation games and speedruns will not change, just the frequency at which these are happening.  Hopefully I'll have some time to make more improvements to the stream as well.  I got a new computer that's absolutely bestial and I'm clearly not using it to its full potential.

So again, thanks for the support, hope you keep watching and supporting the rest of the content, hopefully I'll have some exciting things to put out soon!

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