Monday 20 May 2019

Silent Hill Book of Memories is THE WORST Game Ever Made

I'm so happy I didn't pay for this game.  I'm "happy" that it was given to me for free via my PS+ subscription on my Vita before Sony stopped making that a thing.  For a long time I thought that Silent Hill: Homecoming was the worst Silent Hill but this thing really steals this shit show like nothin' else.  But not only is it easily the worst Silent Hill game it is quite possibly the worst video game ever made BAR NONE.  Worse than Hydlide, worse than Action 52, worse than any game you could possibly ever mention.

The story, what little of it I've bothered to pay attention to, is about a guy who gets a book of memories.  The book is sort of like a Death Note but it comes pre written with everything that's happened to you up to that point.  You are then free to change the contents and the book will bend reality to fit whatever it is you wrote in it.  It's actually, in a non-Silent Hill setting, not a bad idea for a plot but that combined with the fact it's told almost entirely through poorly written notes and poorly voiced audio clips makes it completely uninteresting.

Game play wise Book of Memories is a hack and slash game with random dungeons.  Think Diablo but instead of having a huge budget it was made by a team that seem to have been paid about 32p and given a single tube of Pringles to share.  You start by making an incredibly generic looking character and picking a "gift", which ends up doing fucking nothing and then hacking your way through a bunch of dungeons until you reach a boss.  Rinse and repeat until you finish all the worlds.

The combat is clunky, unsatisfying and lacks any challenge whatsoever.  Part of the lack of challenge comes from the fact that your stats and gear don't actually mean ANYTHING.  The only stat that matters is strength and MAYBE if you want to make the game even easier on yourself, throw a few points into vitality.  Strength does the obvious thing of making you hit harder and Vit makes your first aid kits heal for more and makes your character harder to hit.  Couple this with the enemy AI being dumber than a pile of rocks and you've got one really tedious game.  Assuming that you have working fingers and you're more than 6 months old, the only enemies you MIGHT die to are the Bogeymen (From Downpour) because he's got a heal, and an AOE ground pound that takes 70% of your life and the Insane Cancer's (3) that explode when they die and if they hit it does about 90% damage.

The absolute worst part of this game though is the sound design.  There's no point during play you won't be either extremely annoyed or cringing so hard that your body turns inside out.  Go and look up an old game called Dark Castle, either play it yourself or watch the AVGN episode of it or something, but Homecoming sounds almost EXACTLY like that.

This is hands down, the worst game ever made.  The development team behind it should be ashamed.  I don't know diddly jack shit about video game development outside of making text adventures with Python and I could probably shit out a better game in a week doing everything by myself.  The worst part is that it tries to worm itself into the series by changing the character motivations from the first few games but thinking about it just makes me too mad but there's plenty of YouTube content out there that explains that side of it.

If you ever see it on sale, run, run and never look back

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