Monday 20 December 2021

The Epic Game Store


So today I didn't get much gaming done myself.  Mainly just a bit of progress in Shin Megami Tensei 5 in my lunch break and a bit of Persona 2: Innocent Sin on Stream so tonight I just want to take a moment to appriciate how cool the Epic Game Store is.

I'm sure there's a quite a few people who would turn their nose up at something like the Epic Game Store because if we're being brutally honest, it lacks a lot of the features that Steam does.  Hell, I don't even think it has game gifting as a feature which is INCREDIBLY stupid.  It caused a problem once when I had to deliver a grand prize for a game that was, at the time, exclusive to epic and I had made the incorrect assumption that gifting would have just been a thing but I guess Epic Games just assumes its entire userbase has no friends and therefore have not implemented it.  I got the game to the viewer in the end but I had to jump through some hoops to make it happen.

So despite it being barebones as all hell then why do I think its so cool? Well the answer is simple really, it's because they are constantly showering me with free shit.  At time of writing I have 58 games in my Epic Games library and the amount of money I've spent on any of that is ZERO.  Not a single penny since I downloaded the software and yet I have more games than I can shake a stick at.  It's not like they are shit games either; The Texorcist, Control, A Plague Tale, Sonic Mania, Remnant and Nioh are just a few of the standouts from the ever changing free game they just give away every so often

Even now, for Christmas, they are giving away 15 games for Christmas.  Every day I log in and BAM, another game in the library that will surely sit in the backlog for god knows how long.  I've heard its a bit shit but the first game they gave away in this set was goddamn Shenmue 3.  I didn't want to pay money for that but as someone who enjoyed the first two I sure as shit wanted to check it out, and now I can. 

They also seem to have some deal with Square Enix or something because as I was streaming I got an alert that says that Final Fantasy 7 Remake: Intergrade is now avaliable for purchase.  I've heard the FF7 Remake PC version is a steaming pile of dogshit but Intergrade was locked to the still unobtainable PS5 so just having it avaliable to me is nice, it might actually be the first thing I end up spending money on with the platform.  

Steam is still king and GoG Galaxy has way more features but it's hard not to have a soft spot in my heart for Epic when they just give me so much free shit so often.

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