Thursday 9 January 2020

January Mini Marathon

As mentioned in a previous post, even if there's no donation incentive marathon goal met, I'll still try and do some kind of mini marathon once a month.  Since no goals have been met at time of writing I'm announcing the mini-marathon for January.  Since it's following the stream schedule and therefore I get to pick whatever the heck I want for the variety stream, I'm going to roll with 12 hours of Sekiro.

I doubt I'll be able to finish it in a single sitting but my plan is to find a guide and get the names of all the bosses and try to do all that game has to offer before reaching the end.

I'm late to the Sekiro party but I'm extremely excited to finally be able to give it a full playthrough after all this time.  So, if you don't already, follow me at and come join me in my adventures in ye olde Japan.

The marathon will take place on the 18th/19th of January, hopefully I'll see you there!

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