Wednesday 27 May 2020

Skyrim Grandma Vs VG247

When games writers aren't spending every minute of their day sucking at absolutely every single game they play they like to pass the time by just making shit up.  This story isn't exactly big news or anything but having and excuse to point and laugh at these people is something I don't want to pass up.

Website VG247 posted an article with the headline "YouTuber Skyrim Grandma announces she is scaling back streams for the sake of her health after receiving onslaught of patronizing comments"  which sounds terrible right? I didn't actually read the article in the end because very soon after it was posted, the woman herself (@ShirleyScurry on Twitter)  tweeted at VG247 directly asking them to delete the article because it's bullshit.  Apparently the fact that she is scaling back streams because of her health is true but she claims that most of the people on her channel are actually very nice.

This has of course led to VG247 getting a good grilling on social media for a laugh but I can't help but wonder why this was even posted in the first place?  Just some sad little idiot putting out some nonsense in order to generate clicks for a crap website.

I have no real interest in Skyrim but Scurry's fans seem to enjoy her content a fair bit so if you're a fan of Bethesda games she might be worth checking out.  Maybe a nice change of pace from the content creators that clog up YouTube? It's always nice to see people on the older side of things enjoying the medium just as much as everyone else!

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