Thursday 25 February 2021

Final Fantasy 7 Mobile Games


First thing I saw when I woke up this morning was announcements for some FF7 mobile games so I'm going to take a moment to talk about what I think of those.  There was apparently an announcement for some Yuffie-based DLC for FF7 remake but that's exclusive to PS5 which I don't currently own so it can fuck off.  It does seem however if you own FF7R on the PS4 you can get it for PS5 for free which is pretty nice I guess.

The first game that got announced was Final Fantasy 7: The First Soldier which is a Final Fantasy......Battle Royale game.  In the same vain as Fortnight, PUBG or Knives Out (if that's still even a thing), the usual deal of dropping into a map and shooting at each other with guns until there is only one person or one team left.  Only this time it has an FF7 skin wrapped around it.  I'm indifferent about this one since Battle Royale is kind of uninteresting to me, the genre lost its appeal pretty quick.

Final Fantasy Ever Crisis on the other hand, looks a lot more interesting.  From what I understand it's an episodic, more traditional style of RPG that involves dudes standing in a line and you picking commands from a menu.  There isn't much gameplay in the trailer to speak of but from what I can tell it seems that Ever Crisis will cover the whole FF7 universe including things like Crisis Core.  Considering that the only things I play on my phone right how are a Hatsune Miku rhythm game and a Mahjong game, having a proper RPG to fiddle with might actually be a welcome addition 

There are some people though that seem to be dismissing these games, not because they are battle royale games or episodic games but purely for the reason that they are on Mobile.  This makes no sense to me because if anything, Square are one of the only companies that make a least somewhat half decent little distractions.  Sure Record Keeper and Brave Exvius aren't the best games in the world and they are full of gatcha bullshit but you could do a lot worse.  Let's not forget as well, there are still people, people who will happily look down on Ever Crisis, that still beg for re-releases of Before Crisis which isn't just a mobile game, but a mobile game released on FLIP PHONES.

I'm not holding out for these games to be the next hot ticket, especially not The First Soldier, but I am hoping they will make some nice little distractions while I'm riding the god awful Japanese subways

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