Monday 28 February 2022

Gearing up to be a Great Year


Coronavirus is still in the back of everyones mind and in the last week or so people in Europe a full on War has broken out and everyone's starting to panic about being nuked to death.  Spend any amount of time on social media and it's enough to make you want to crawl into a sensory deprevation tank and never come out of it.  So instead of doom-scrolling through news websites and Twitter, what you SHOULD be doing is playing video games (or watching me live at because BOY-FUCKIN'-HOWDY there is a lot of good-looking shit that's already out and a lot of even better shit on the horizon.  

Truth be told, I've not played a single game released in the current year yet.  Partly due to a busy schedule of work-life-streaming etc. and partly due to my massive backlog that has made me think twice about purchasing new titles.  However I know that eventually I will cave and hoover up all these games so I just want to take a moment to highlight some games that I'm looking forward to playing or looking forward to being released. 

Starting with things that are out but I've not played yet we got 

1) Elden Ring

 Do I really need to explain why I'm excited for this one? It's the next goddamn Dark Souls game.  I'm trying to avoid as much footage/news/discussion about it as possible to go in as blind as possible but I know that the day I do get around to playing it I will probably not be leaving my little hovel for a long time.

2) Pokemon Legends: Arceus

I'm not much of a Pokemon fan, the game looks like shit and it seems to be buggy as all hell but I still want to pick this one up.  The change in gameplay style and the setting have intriguied me enough to want to pick it up.  Plus if I can hide in a bush and yeet a rock into a Pikachu's stupid fucking face then that alone is worth the price of admission

3) Sifu 

When I first saw Sifu I thought "that looks cool, I'll play that one day" and put it away in the back of my mind.  Then the game came out and I saw a clip of a level that was a playable version of the corridor scene from the movie Oldboy and it shot right up the priority list.  It looks cool as hell and apparently it's quite challenging so sign me the hell up.

4) Dying Light 2 


5) Horizon Forbidden West

are both games that I will get my hands on, probably this year, but unlike the other 3 I'm not overly desperate to play them.  They look cool, maybe one day when I get through everything else

Now for games that aren't released yet 

6) Soul Hackers 2 

After Shin Megami Tensei 5 last year I thought I was all Mega-Tenned out.  I had decided that this year I would slowly play through basically all the MegaTen games I could fit into my schedule to fill the void that 5 will leave when I reach the ending.  Well turns out I was totally fucking wrong and Soul Hackers 2 not only got announced but also has a release date.  A sequel to a 1997 Sega Saturn game was not something I was expecting but I'm all for it.  

7) Ghostwire Tokyo 

I've seen one trailer, don't really know what the hell its about but it looks exactly like my kind of thing.  First person game doing Onmyo shit to folklore creatures?  Yeah sure, I'm extremely down and ready to have a kuchizake-onna tongue me to death.  

8) A Plague Tale: Requiem 

A Plague Tale: Innocence was a game that I got for free off the Epic Game Store and went in fully expecting it to be a giant pile of garbage that stinks harder than the rats it depicts.  While it wasn't mind blowing by any stretch it turned out to be at least a somewhat decent experience and I was pleasantly surprised to see it getting a sequel.  Nice to see Amica finally got a clue and decided to get a weapon a bit better than just rocks

9) Kirby and the Forgotten Land

10) Stranger of Paradise 

11) The Callisto Protocol 

12) Scorn 

13) Bomb Rush Cyberfunk 

I mean jesus fucking christ I could do this all day.  I'm sure there's games I forgot and games that I have not yet discovered that I will also snap up on release or do a little jig for on annoucement.

So tell all that sad news that you can't do anything about to go FUCK itself, cozy up in front of your TV or PC or even under the covers of your nice soft bed if you're using the Switch and just enjoy all this cool shit instead

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