Monday 9 October 2023

Dead By Daylight Killer is Immensely Frustrating


Dead By Daylight is a game I've become somewhat obsessed with in recent months.  Usually I steer away from multiplayer games because I hate having to deal with teams of people either giving me shit when I'm not very good or letting me down constantly as I improve.  Dead by Daylight solves this issue by being a 1v4 game so I can just play the 1 and have a grand old time although in the last few weeks playing that 1 has become an immensely frustrating experience.

Just in case people don't know, Dead by Daylight is a multiplayer game that is basically horror themed freeze tag.  There is one killer and 4 survivors and the idea is that the survivors must repair generators and escape and the killer must well....kill them all, go figure.  Each character in the game has 3 perks which are like skills that you equip that change the game in some way.  For example killers get perks that reveal survivor locations or slows down generator repair and survivors get things that just make the killers life absolutely miserable.

Now granted, I'm not a pro DbD player by any stretch but I don't see myself as shit either.  Given enough time in the month (ranks reset on the 13th) I can get pretty deep into the gold ranks for both survivor and killer and with a bit more practice and a better understanding of builds I think I could start getting that Iridescent rank pretty soon.  I would say that's not bad for someone whos been playing only a handful of games a week for about a year.

There's something though about playing killer in this game that is just IMMENSELY frustrating.  I never really get upset when a survivor game goes poorly, probably because it happens so rarely but it's just not a big deal.  Get hooked, shrug and move on.  There's something about stuck in a killer match where everything is going wrong that just makes me want to break the keyboard over my knee.  There is a pretty big debate in the community about if the game is "killer sided" or "survivor sided" and if you ask me it is ABSOLUTELY survivor sided.

The survivors just have so many tools to just completely ruin your day it's mind boggling.  They can bring flashlights to prevent you from performing sacrifices, toolboxes to rush generators, medkits to completely reverse any progress you made as well as countless palettes to stun the killer with and windows to make quick escapes.  That's not even getting into the immense amount of perks at their disposal to halt your progress too.  There are perks for speeding you up when injured, perks for taking more than the usual 2 hits, perks for instantly picking up downed survivors, perks for unhooking yourself, perks for picking up yourself it's enough to make your head spin.  As killer you have to deal with SIXTEEN of these abilities being used agaisnt you while you only get 4.

One example is a match I had the other day against a quite organised group of survivors, maybe they were in a discord call or something because I wanted to pull my own hair out.  I would chase a guy down, bash him and couple of times and grab him.  On the way to the hook, nearly EVERY time one of his teammates would come along and break the hook meaning I was forced to drop him and not make any progress.  Even when I got wise to it and would try and chase the extra guy away, multiple members of the team had the ability to break hooks so in the time in took me to go back and pick the downed guy up, SOMEONE would crawl out of somewhere and fuck me up.  Not to mention that in the time it took me to even get the down in the first place, generators were just being completed left and right.  I still managed to squeeze out a single kill that match but holy fuck it was miserable.

In fairness, balance in a game that is inhererently unbalanced is going to be impossible to do and credit has to be given to BHVR doing a good job but getting destroyed as killer is a uniquely miserable time and it only seems to get ever so slightly worse with every patch.  One thing I have noticed though is that it's a lot easier to rank up as killer.  I've had games where I get 0 kills and a handful of hooks and still gained a point where I've had survivor matches where we repaired all the gens mad quick, avoided the killer at every turn and escaped basically unscathed only to get nothing at the end, it's very strange.

Either way, despite the frustrations DbD is addicting as all hell and I don't plan to stop any time soon.

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