Thursday 29 May 2014

Announcing Stream Week!

I've been rather busy recently and as a result I've not been able to stream as much as I would like to so it's about change!

Starting from Saturday 31st, I'll be streaming every day for a MINIMUM of 2 hours each day, depending on my schedule I'll try to do more.  I'll be doing a few speed runs here and there but the real reason I decided to dedicate a week to streaming is so I can finally crack on with those goddamn Final Fantasy playthroughs I started a long time ago.  I've bee stuck on Final Fantasy 5 for far FAR too long so it's time to polish that off and start getting into the really good ones.

Finally, depending on how many charity donations are given throughout the week, I might make a prize available.   No promises but keep that in mind when you're watching!

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