Sunday 1 December 2013

John Romero Made Me His Bitch

Oh man, that marathon ended in complete catastrophe

Allow me to tell you the story.  Last night I held the Daikatana "Until I Win" marathon, and for the first marathon of this kind, it did not end well at all.  First of all, you have to realise that Daikatana is complete and utter garbage of the highest level.  The AI is awful on both your enemies and your allies, the levels are all murky and shit so it's hard to see anything, the guns are all crap and unsatisfying, the story is a mess etc etc etc.

Despite all that, with the people who were with me in the stream both in Twitch chat and on mumble, I was kind of having a good time.  It's one of those games that's SO bad that there is a certain fun to be had by raging at it as you suffer through.  The fact that I had received charity money to do this made the suffering at least bearable.

But then it happened.

I was playing through the Vault level, I had just rescued some girl and now I was having to wrestle with 2 AI buddies.  Given that the stage is full of ladders and elevators this made things particularly frustrating.  Anyway I soldiered through and got to the end of the stage.  Now something to consider before I go into the next bit of the plot is that both me and my allies are at nearly full HP at this point.

The level loads in and suddenly BAM! I'm fucking dead.  I reload my save and I dodge a little bit then a few shots later BAM! my ally is dead, game over.  Rinse and repeat this god knows how many fucking times before I just had to call it quits. 

I can wrestle with bad design and and I can deal with horrible gameplay in the name of charity, but I could literally progress no further past this point because I was being insta gibbed at the fucking doorway to the stage.

So, even though the marathon's failure TECHNICALLY wasn't my fault, I'm going to match the donation provided by the guy who donated for this thing in the first place, and then give him a choice of incentive.  So if anything my failure just means more charity money, which isn't really a bad thing at the end of the day, it's just my pride that hurts.

Speaking of money, over a very short period of time, a total of £35 was raised, which is great considering I have streamed for longer and raised less in the past, so big thanks to all who donated.  If you include my punishment donation that makes the total £60, so not bad for a 6 hour stream all things considered.

The December marathon will be Tomba Until I Win and given that Tomba is a good, well made game, that one should be WAYYYY more successful!  So look foward to that one.  Finally, I'm going to review the part of the stream where it all went wrong and if it's interesting enough I'll upload it!

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